Gaming Session: Rock Band 3 / Billy Joel, September 22, 2011

The VGHVI house band, Μῆνιν Ἄειδε, is returning to Rock Band this week to show off its Mad Keyboard Skillz with a playthrough of some or all of the two recent Billy Joel DLC packs.  (If you’re only grabbing one, make it the first of those.) We may end up playing something else, too, but that’s where we’ll start.

We’ll meet on Xbox Live this Thursday at 9:30 EDT / 6:30 PDT; send a friends request to “malvasia bianca” if you’re not already on my friends’ list. Oh, and dibs on keys, at least for the start…

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6 Responses to Gaming Session: Rock Band 3 / Billy Joel, September 22, 2011

  1. Adam Larson says:

    Taking a pass on this one, no Xbox.

    Get the Minecraft server fully updated?

  2. Jonathan Mills says:

    I went ahead and bought the second pack, so I can play any of the Billy Joel in the game.

  3. Cool!

    @Adam: I only turn on the server once a month, but I’ll make sure to grab the updated server .jar file next Thursday.

  4. Two things:

    * I just remembered: unless an update has fixed it (which I don’t _think_) is the case, we can’t do guitar+bass+keyboards online. So somebody should be prepared to play drums or sing. (I don’t mind singing some, though I’d like to start on keys.)

    * Sarah Elmaleh might be joining us; I don’t know offhand what instruments she’s willing to play.

  5. Pingback: Malvasian Scenes » Rock Band Status, September 25, 2011

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